Friday 13 September 2013

More Mermaid Tails

Here are some more in-progress pictures of the mermaid tails and accessoires: The pink mermaid materials Instead of seashells, the pink mermaid will wear starfishes on her bra :-) I made them of hotglue (let dry on a rounded surface), painted them with nail polish and sprinkled them with some glitter. If anybody's interested in further information how I made it, just let me know ;-) The orange mermaid materials I forgot to take a picture of the hotglue coral I made for the bra, but I'll try to remember next time ;-) As hairpiece, the orange mermaid will be wearing a coral fascinator made of a real coral that we spray painted orange, an Alice band, some wire and hot glue. This is what it looks right now (still need to spray paint the rest): The yellow mermaid materials (we already had everything, so I'll add it for completeness) I already painted the shells As I'm a bit in a hurry right now, I'll post more pictures in the next days! Spoiler: more mermaid stuff to come ;-)

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