Wednesday 26 June 2013

Beyond my wildest dreams!

Incredible but true - I'm still somewhat amazed how well the audition went! I admit that my Belle was not what she was supposed to be (I mixed up a line and the last note sounded a bit too weak for my taste) but I'm still pretty satisfied how Part of your World finally turned out. And obviously the jury was rather pleased too :-) I'm very proud they give me the chance to embody Ariel AND Belle, each in two of four shows!!! Supposed I'm not having too many blonde days during rehearsals ^^

 This somehow removed the scales from my eyes (I should start to use underwater idioms more often from now on...):
My current body condition is okay but far from a mermaid shape, keeping in mind that Ariel shows a lot of skin onstage. So I decided to go back to my daily share of crunches, abs, sit-ups, whatever. I know that this won't be enough if I don't try to eat more healthy food. About 5 months to go!!

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